Sunday, January 28, 2007

Online Money 101 - 4 letter domains

After our recent sale of a 4 letter domain for $750. We would like to stress the value of domain names. My personal analogy of this recent domain sale is like buying a home for $60,000 (good luck on that one) then only two months later, with no work done on the property. You sell it for $750,000. Almost impossible by today's standard. However with domain buying & selling you are able to capture returns on your investment like we just did.

I wish I could say every domain I buy sells that fast. But I would be lying, if I said they do. However if I wasn't in the Online Money business, someone else would be making the money. You have as much of a chance selling domains as the next guy. But only if you get in soon. At $6 each it's hard not to see the short or long term value they offer.

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