Saturday, May 12, 2007

Domain Name Hunting - Personal Search Tool

Google Suggest - Domain Hunter's Best Friend

Want to find out what phrases & words internet user are searching for? Google offers a Free tool which can help any domain name hunter find some direct navigational domains. Google Suggest comes from the google labs. This is one of my personal favorites. Google Suggest Link.

I use the google suggest on all of my domain name researches. This tell's me how many people have looked up certain phrases or words. The greatest part of the google suggest tool is that it automatically fills in my search choices with the most popular selections. With the google suggest you can also include it on the Free Firefox Tool that most members have already downloaded. If you haven't yet. It is available on our affiliate program index.

Since the recent departure of Yahoo's Overture tool. This has really become a great Free online tool. Learn how to use it and you will love it.

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