Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Squidoo Truth - Can you make money on Squidoo?

I have had a few emails from members asking if there is any money to be made on Squidoo. Squidoo offers a lot of tools to make money with. However the real money isn't on squidoo, it's on everything outside of squidoo. What I mean is that squidoo only offers a small percentage of the money made from each lens that generates a sale or click. Which is great for the average Joe, who doesn't have: a website, parking pages, hosting, html code, affiliate programs, internet marketing knowledge, etc... If the only thing a person has is a membership to squidoo; well good for them. (Oatmeal is better than no meal) But me on the other hand I like to eat, so I choose to keep 100% of the money I make.

Here is how to make money on Squidoo:

  1. Sign up for affiliate programs. These are people whose products you can sell on your squidoo lenses. Everytime you make a sale, you can keep 100% of the money you make. We offer a great list of affiliate programs which can help you generate extra money on squidoo. All you have to do is pick a product from the list of merchants they provide you.
  2. You then get the html code.(This may seem complicated, but it's really not that hard.) Html is the webmasters version of placing things on the web.
  3. You highlight & copy the advertisers html.
  4. Then go to your intro section on the appropriate lens.
  5. Select the html option in the lower right hand side. A box with html code will pop up with your text that you have written.
  6. Simply go to the end of the text and paste the products html code you copied earlier.
  7. Click Update.
And you should be good to go. ( Tip: a great way to learn html is play with a blogger acount like this one. It's FREE. And you can apply the knowledge to other ventures) The amount of money made from selling products through affiliate programs can be tremendous.

2. Check back again for more Online Money making tips. What? You didn't think I'd give you the whole shabang at once did ya?

Best Success


1 comment:

Seth Godin said...

A small percentage?

is 50% a small percentage?